Monday, April 5, 2010


Perspective is such a powerful thing to be aware of. It gives me a sense of freedom to know everything we do, say, see, or experience is always interpreted by the way we perceive it. I try to always evaluate situations a second time because the other amazing thing about perspective is it has the ability to change. So I dedicate this entry to a week of rethinking and trying to see my life in a different light. My glass that was half empty is starting to look half full. cheers to perspective!

On Saturday I met a group of photographers to walk along the super trendy High Line park. This is an old railroad line that ran above ground on the west side of Chelsea that was used from the mid 30 until 1980 when the last train ran (transporting a bunch of frozen turkeys!). It was closed down since and there was a whole ton of debate on whether the city should tear it down or reuse the space. They finally decided in 2002 to preserve the High Line and just about a year ago it opened as a garden/park to the public. My favorite part about this park (besides the fact that it is a great example of recyling, taking advantage of green space and preserving a pretty historical train line!) is that they reinstalled some of the original tracks. The grasses grow all around the rusted metal and it creates this really beautiful juxtaposition of the two forces we are preserving here. Here are some images from my photography walk :)

Possibly my favorite image from the walk!

The park just said no dogs.